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MeditationImagine you are with Super Cellular and you are safe right here and right now. What does that feel like to you? Can you hear your own breath? Is it slow or fast? Could you take a deep breath now and hold it in? Could you let it go along with any fears inside you that do not work for you any longer? Imagine what it would be like to feel safe. Now allow yourself to feel that feeling for as long as you like. | Breathing MeditationAll you have to do is watch yourself breathing in and out. See if you can count to 4 as you breathe in, count to 4 as you hold your breath, breath out for the count of 4 and then let everything go for the count of 4. Now start all over again and do this as many times as it takes for you and your body to feel better, calmer, and at peace. | HEALTHY HAPPY CELLSThese are awesome cells. When you go to sleep at night try counting cells like these. These are the cells that can give your body super healing powers. So, Count them by twos and fours and sixes and more! |
Meet Super CeluIf you could imagine Super Celu inside of you, turning anything that doesn't work for you into healing energy, she could help you to begin to feel better. Allow yourself to see Super Celu shining her healing light inside of you. | Super Cellular ExerciseAllow yourself to relax and realize that there are more than one Super Cellular. Super Cellular is endless and can multiply and divide over and over again to not only help you get better, but help you get in touch with the superhero inside of you that is you. When something hurts, could you imagine hundreds of Super Cellular's surrounding the part of you that hurts? Could you begin to see them heal your pain? Would you? could you? Right now? Let's try it. | RED AND PINK STEM CELLSOn Valentine's Day every cell wants to go pink, and these stem cells are very happy. So sing your favorite song in your head and see your healthy stem cells all shining red. |
Super C to the RescueMeet Super C, she's one of the Micro Heroes and she can take you on a journey through the clouds. Can you make yourself comfortable and imagine you are as light as a feather and floating through soft, comfortable clouds that support and comfort you? | Meet Pluripotent!Pluripotent (her friends call her Pluri, is one of the most powerful micro heroes inside you. She'a stem cell that can grow up to be anything she wants. Imagine that! | Super Celu PillowThis Super Celu Pillow is a wonderful companion toy for little children. She can help kids feel better as well as be a partner with them as they navigate the Super Cellular website and play healing meditation games. |
Super CellularDo you think that space and the inside of the human body (under a microscope) look alike. | SuperCellularTMEven young babies can see Super Cellular. And even grown ups use Super Celluilar sometimes to help them feel better. | SuperCellularTMSuper Cellular is in all of us. |
SuperCellularTMNow see yourself well inside and out! |
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