Super Cellular is making a COMIC BOOK!
Join the campaign and help support SUPER CELLULAR by pre-ordering the First Edition of SUPER CELLULAR, the first HEALING Superhero Comic...
Gabriel Takes Super Cellular to the City of Hope!
#Supercellular #supercellular #super #cellular #guided #imagery #wellness #cityofhope #inspiration #animation #superhero #microheroes
Try Hummingbird Breathing with Super Cellular. It's fun, relaxing and it feels good.
#SuperCellular #healingbooksforkids #meditationforkids #healing #kids #guided #wellness #exercise #imagery #creative #children #forkids...
Super Cellular Guided Imagery Video, led by 4th grader, Gabriel Gocobachi, who is also the co-author
#supercellular #mediationforkids #superheroes #bravery #SuperCellular #cellular #getwellsoon #imagery #wellness #guidedimagery...
Super Cellular is starting a focus group to find out what parents want for their kids!
Thank you all so much for stopping by and please join our FOCUS GROUP by taking our quick survey and let us know what you think. It...