The Faces Of GodAn Unexpected Journey
White Blood Cell
White Blood Cell after appplying its mirrored image on itself
Turtle Bay Flipped on itself with planet earth revealed smiling above.
Coral Reef Maui Honolulu Bay
Step back from this photograph and let your eyes relax. There are so many images and faces in this one. do you see the giant angel reaching out for you?
Turtle Bay Flipped on itself with planet earth revealed smiling above.
What if we really could see God?
Welcome to The Faces of God where artist, Jill Gatsby has taken photographs of space, earth and nature all the way down to the microscopic cells inside the human body and mirrored them directly on top of themselves to reveal a parellel universe where Gods, Goddess and Angels are actually seen with the naked eye.
Could God be really in everything, including the air we breathe? When we inhale are are we actually breathing in God? Are we actually using "God" to live and thrive and dream? This art series invites you to imagine God in every particle of life and to imagine for a moment that God IS this earth, universe and everything in it, including us.
Does this change the way you perceive earth? Does it change the way you might treat the other creautres that inhabit this planet? They are also USING God to live and breathe. Explore The Faces of Goid and discover new realities that will transform the way you look at life forever.